20th Century Inspired Carpet Design
In anticipation of DOMOTEX this year we published selections from each category of the Carpet Design Awards. Selections of course allow for an unencumbered expression …
In anticipation of DOMOTEX this year we published selections from each category of the Carpet Design Awards. Selections of course allow for an unencumbered expression …
And that ladies and gentlemen is what great (timeless) design is about: self-expression. Three (3) years hence and I am still thinking about the collection and in particular the above design 1608 (I know, I know, it could have a slightly better name) wondering what kind of amazing living room this carpet would complete, when the so-called article Print Play: The History of Madras Plaid scrolls across my Facebook timeline. Aside from chortling at the use of the word history, I also had a hearty laugh at the idea of Madras Plaids being back en vogue or as we have to say these days: ‘On Trend.’ This is not a fabric that is trendy, this is a staple. Sure its popularity waxes and wanes in the common downmarket world of H&M (How else would you sell new clothes each season?), but in the nicer prêt-à-porter boutiques of say the preppy, Brooks Brothers wearing, summering in the Hamptons crowd, Madras Plaid has never gone out of style. It remains a superior example of design that is both aspirational and establishment, timeless and popular, subtle and bold, ‘Go to Hell’ even!
EDIT: Please be advised that this post was changed from its original to correct an error. Thank you to one of my diligent readers for pointing out …