There was perhaps a semblance of preordained irony as I walked down the otherwise bleak and abysmal hallway at New York City’s LaGuardia Airport, when suddenly and unexpectedly, the bright and energetic Erbil Tezcan of Wool and Silk came into view. I had seen Erbil just a few days before at ICFF and we had discussed his forthcoming trip to Montreal, yet the imminence was overlooked as is often the case in rushed trade show conversations. Regardless here he was with his wife Danielle on their way to Montreal for a much deserved holiday. ‘Would you like to see some of my new collection?’ he asked, I presume rhetorically given my love of carpets. ‘Of course!’ I replied. My eyes – wide like saucers – must have looked like those of a kid in a candy store as I took a seat beside him.

So there amidst the only redeeming quality of LaGuardia – ‘It’s convenient!’ – the timeliness of the situation allowed for a few moments of beauty (and convenience) as I got a peek at the new collection. On the screen before me, juxtaposed against the most unlikely of environments and not unlike an episode of the classic television series ‘The Twilight Zone’ itself, Erbil showed me the stunning carpet shown above.
‘Twilight Zone’ shown in colour ‘Denim’ (other multichromatic colourations are available) is a stunning Tibetan weave carpet that, like much of Wool and Silk’s work is irresistible to the eyes. ‘The blues are amazing and I really love the geometry of the design.’ I said while browsing the images. ‘Yes..’ Erbil replies ‘but it is asymmetrical with great depth [as well].’ And then, with the almost incomprehensible warbling of an overhead announcement our beautiful respite was over abruptly and our respective journeys continued.
Whether you see a hallway, the climactic scene from ‘Star Wars: Episode IV, A New Hope’, or experience a bit of vertigo staring into the oceanesque abyss, I hope you enjoy this carpet as much as I do. ‘Twilight Zone’ can be seen in person at ‘The Rug Show‘ this summer from 10-13 September 2016 at New York City’s Javits Center. The Ruggist will see you there!