
Shibori Style | An Exploration

From Nathan Tucker of Lapchi’s Rug Design Studio in Chicago, Illinois: ‘I guess when it comes to reïnterpreting a certain medium or artistry into handknotted carpets, there’s always going to be a challenge, depending on how close of an analogue to the original inspiration you’re trying to achieve. In shibori’s case, the general patterning is something that’s pretty easy to recreate with a graphed knot. Specifically, the itajime technique of shibori is something you see a lot of; the more geometric style of block/resist dying.’

Iranian Carpet Embargo – The End!

It gives me great joy to announce the United States’ embargo and ban on the importation of Iranian produced rugs and carpets has been lifted. In accordance with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on 16 January 2016 certified Iran had fulfilled its initial obligations under the JCPOA and thus ‘Implementation Day’ came to pass and with it the end of the embargo. Throughout my lifetime the embargo has been enacted and rescinded on numerous occasions in various efforts to force The Islamic Republic of Iran into compliance with geopolitical ideologies we shall not again discuss; politics, religion, and all that.