I would like, if I may, to take you on a strange journey, one that begins with The Ruggist going on record and saying that …
Begun as a lark in the summer of 2008 the website of ‘The Ruggist’ has had many iterations. First as highly irreverent blog, then as a professional website for insightful commentary about rugs and carpets; penultimately it languished as a reflection of times past. If you’ve come looking for past articles, you’re now in the correct place, the archive section; however please note the articles categorized as ‘archive’ are no longer updated, nor maintained in any way, and may contain out of date information.
You are encouraged to view the archives as they are intended, as contemporaneous commentary and critique reflective of the time the article was originally published.
I would like, if I may, to take you on a strange journey, one that begins with The Ruggist going on record and saying that …
“He attacked everything in life with a mix of extraordinary genius and naive incompetence, and it was often difficult to tell which was which.” – …
Did you ever see “Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome“? Due to my father’s love of bad sci-fi action films (which I unfortunately inherited) I watched this …
“Whom are we to judge?” – Unnamed colleague/acquaintance of “The Ruggist”* The answer to that question is just as complicated and convoluted as the business …
“The best thing about ICFF in 2010 was watching the paint dry.” – Michael A.C. Christie Exaggeration aside, and acknowledging that it was not actually …
It’s not the Oscars. I know that many of you are sad to see the passing of award’s season. Most of us however are so …
This just in! Okay, technically this is not “just in”, rather it came to me immediately on the heals of a previous housekeeping post full …
In a second (odd how few people ever promote that something is the second…), the Ruggist again answers a question that was posed by an …
In a first for The Ruggist, I am writing a post based on a question posed by one of my readers, which goes…. “Hey Ruggist, …
Part I Introduction In sitting down to write this post I was and still am concerned with the correct tone and approach to take. While …
As a (second) final note to my last post (See this post of The Ruggist) and heeding to the very correct comments posted thereafter, I …
It’s the debate that some people (myself included) won’t let go away. It’s the debate with no real winners or losers. It’s the debate about …
Over the years I’ve been in many a rug showroom. Early on my capacity was that of the porter/salesman/manager and in later years I’ve been …
While I have previously expressed my opinions on the merits (and demerits) of various shows, I’ve yet to share my views on ICFF (the International Contemporary Furniture Fair), held …
This week is a low impact week for me. As I write this, I am mentally preparing for an important meeting at the end of …